USA pictures – day 1

August 5, 2006

Hollywood sign 

DAY 1 – Los Angeles City Tour

I arrived in ‘the city of Angels’ on wednesday the 11th of May 2005 after a wrecking 13 or so hours flight. Now arriving in the land of the free is always something special. There is the security check where you are asked if you’ve packed your bag yourselves, the metal detector to ensure you don’t carry guns or weapons of some kind, the police officers with big guns to pin you down when you make a sudden movement and my favourite: the questionnaire you get on the plane where you are asked if you have the intention to participate in terrorist activities. Not knowing if I was into that I looked for the ‘optional’ spot but was only allowed ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Since I had a whole 3 week trip planned and not wanted to risk being send back, I chose the last one.

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